No advertisements
We dont place any banners or pop-ups or any sort of advertisement on your
pages. Banners make pages unprofessional, and slow-to-load, but bring back
Subdomain address
We provide Subdomains rather than Sub-directory, which means you'll get
URL of the form http://www.you.Non-Mlm.com
URL cloaking
URL cloaking keeps your Non-Mlm.com address in the address bar of your
browser when your web site is accessed through its Non-Mlm.com address.
People bookmarking your site will bookmark your Non-Mlm.com address, and
search engines will index your site using your Non-Mlm.com address. Keyword
and description meta tags can also be used with the URL cloaking option.
Path Forwarding
All URIs (for example, http://www.YourServerProvider.com/free/max/
is the URL, the URI is /max/) can be forwarded, so if someone go to
http://max.Non-Mlm.com/links.html they would be forwarded to Max's
links.html page.
Optional WWW prefix
You can use your URL with/without www. Both work. For eg. you can use as
http://you.Non-Mlm.com or http://www.you.Non-Mlm.com.